Dangers of Driving While High, The Science of Sleep, and More

  • Friday, February 24, 2023 1:40 PM
    Message # 13109899

    Articles from the Week of February 24, 2023

    Interesting Quotes

    I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is the best policy.

    George Washington

    It is better to be faithful than famous.

    Theodore Roosevelt

    Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.

    Anne Frank (this quote is particularly salient because Anne Frank probably wrote it during World War II in Germany while hiding from the Germans)

    “I’m going to let God fix it, because if I fix it I’m going to jail.”


    Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

    Steve Jobs

    The happiest people are those who do the most for others. The most miserable are those who do the least.

    Booker T. Washington

    Fascinating Facts and Trivia

    How Often Does The Human Skeleton Replace Its Cells?

    “The human skeleton is an amazing structure, made of bones and other tissues that provide support and protection. Very few people think about how often the cells of this intricate structure are replaced, but it's a fascinating process. It’s thought that in 10 years, every single cell in our skeletons has been completely replaced. These new cells are generated through a combination of the processes of growth and remodeling, which help our bones stay strong and resilient even as we age.” [Quotation from TriviaBright.com]

    How Far Can A Cockroach Travel In One Hour?

    “The average cockroach is capable of impressive feats when it comes to motion. Although they move quite slowly on two legs, they can cover much more ground in shorter time periods than humans can. In just one hour, a cockroach can travel an astonishing 3 miles. This distance is incredible for an insect that moves at a relatively slow pace for long stretches of time. It is an amazing accomplishment for creatures so small in size and yet still able to traverse such far distances within short periods of time.” [Quotation from TriviaWire.com]

    Counseling Articles

    Arranged or Not, Indian Christians Praise God for Their Marriages

    In India, many marriages are arranged by parents. As Americans, we often wonder how fulfilling these marriages are. Christianity Today lets us hear from several of those couples. Click here to read the full article. 

    There’s No Such Thing as a Good Divorce

    Another excellent article from Christianity Today, this one by Russell Moore. A sensitive article. Moore says that “while divorce may sometimes be warranted and even necessary, it is never a cause for celebration” and gives some thoughtful reasons why he believes this. Click here to read the full article. 

    5 Ways to Maximize Results with Your Psychiatrist

    This is a good article to give to a bipolar client before they see a psychiatrist so they can learn what to do to get the maximum benefit from their sessions. Click here to read the full article. 

    AI porn is easy to make now. For women, that’s a nightmare.

    AI is having it’s glitches, but now a new option is becoming a nightmare for women. Transplanting your face onto a body is quite easy to do, and women are now seeing porn of themselves doing things on screen that they have never done in real life. Let’s hope that legislators can create laws that prescribe such serious penalties for anyone who would do such a thing that it deters anyone from using AI for this purpose. (However, AI could have a benefit the other way. In another article I read while completing this compilation of articles I ran across an article that there is a fear by some porn stars that porn dolls embedded with Artificial Intelligence could in the future put them out of business.) Click here to read the full article. 

    Little Evidence to Support Lasers for 'Vaginal Rejuvenation'

    Laser treatments are often promoted to middle-aged women for urinary incontinence, for vaginal rejuvenation with claims that they will tighten the vagina and improve sexual function. This article, by a medical doctor, says that the claims about the latter two benefits do not have solid proof behind them. Click here to read the full article. 

    9 In 10 Trans Women in Canada’s Prisons Are Violent, Nearly Half Convicted Of Sex Crimes: Study

    Even though J. K. Rowling claimed she is not transphobic, a few years ago she was accused of being transphobic because she said that she believed certain spaces (e.g., Women’s shelters, women’s prisons) should be reserved for biological women only. Her thoughts have been supported by this study of men who identify as women (“trans women”) in Canadian prisons. The study found that 9 out of 10 trans women in Canada’s prison are violent, and nearly half have been convicted of sex crimes. Click here to read the full article.

    Former President Carter Chooses to Enter Hospice Care

    On Sunday an announcement was made that our oldest living president, after a series of short stays in the hospital, had decided with his family to enter hospice care. Carter is remembered for the fact that he began the process of brokering peace between Israel and Egypt, nurturing the beginning of peace process in the Middle East. President Carter is 98 years old.

    George Washington: a model for all Americans even today

    This past Monday we celebrated President’s Day. I read this article which reminded me of all the things we have to be thankful for in George Washington. Click here to read the full article. 

    Chloe Cole: The Dark Side of Unconditional Gender Affirmation

    There have been several interviews with Chloe Cole. I have not watched the others, so I am making no comparisons about which one is best. Here is one (about 52 minutes long) that is quite revealing of the factors that lead her and her parents to support transition, the reasons she has decided to detransition, the responses she has received from various groups, and the lawsuit she and a legal group have initiated towards her counselor, her doctors, and the hospital where her surgery occurred. Even though it’s a 50-minute interview, I think it’s a worthwhile investment in time to understand what factors lead her to transition and now to detransition. She said at 13, when she first received puberty blockers, she did not have the cognitive ability to know what she would want as an adult. And she, like 85 to 90% of children, reverted to wanting to be her natal gender by the time she had completed puberty. Click here to watch the whole interview. 

    Most Americans support state laws banning sex change surgeries for minors, poll finds

    If you listen to the above interview I think you will probably agree with Chloe Cole that at 13 most children are not able to know how they will feel about being a man or woman when they become adults, at 14 they will probably not be able to make an informed decision about whether to start on cross sex hormones, and at 15 will not be ready to make an informed decision about transgender surgery, and it seems from this Rasmussen poll that more and more adults are favoring restricting these procedures for minors. Cole recommends going even further: she recommends that boys and girls wait until they are at least 21 or 25 to make such decisions. There are some political differences, with more Republicans and Independents in support of such bans, and Democrats less so. Click here to read the full article.  

    Is It LOVE, Or Is It MANIA?

    People with bipolar disorder frequently become infatuated during manic or hypomanic episodes. Learning to distinguish between healthy romantic relationships and relationships created during their manic or hypomanic episodes is crucial. A group of psychiatrists are working together to help clients distinguish between the two. Click here to read the full article. 

    Certain Hardships Can Miswire The Brain, But Resilience Training Can Help You Recover

    Probably none of us welcome difficulties, but this article reminds us that each difficulty we go through can help us learn the resilience that will help us be prepared for the next challenging situation. And as believers, we know that we don’t have to develop resilience on our own. Click here to read the full article.  

    At 93, Australia’s Oldest University Student Is Creating Awareness of Ageism and Dementia

    This is an inspiring article, and a good reminder that as we grow older, there is always something good that we can do to fill our lives and be helpful to others. Click here to read the full article. 

    “Multitasking Is a Farce. Use These Task-Switching Strategies Instead.”

    Many people, especially those with ADHD, are convinced that they get more done because they multitask, and they can be quite unwilling to look at the research that shows that when we try to multitask with tasks of medium cognitive complexity or higher, we make more mistakes, leave more tasks uncompleted, and are more likely to become irritable with coworkers and other difficulties. Doing one thing at a time and switching between tasks as needed is a better option. Click here to read the full article.  

    A Not-Recommended Way to Get Over Depression

    One 31-year-old filmmaker who was struggling with depression decided that a good way to get over her depression was to have lots of sex with lots of people. She especially enjoys threesomes and group sex and has been enthusiastic about sharing her experiences quite explicitly in Vanity Fair and on the Internet. She has had so much sex with so many enthusiastic partners that she has broken her stainless steel bedframe. I’m not going to include a web address for this article because I’m not recommending this as a way to cure depression.

    Report a Patient Who Is Driving While Using Cannabis? Yes, I Would

    This is a blog from a medical doctor in a state that has legalized recreational pot use. As counselors I would not agree with his message about reporting a patient who drives while using pot, but I think the increased danger of traffic accidents and death is worthwhile to know about in case clients tell you they smoke while driving. Click here to read the full article. 

    Is Munchausen syndrome by proxy driving kids to identify as trans? Psychiatrists answer

    Here is not an issue I saw coming, but apparently it is here although quite rare. If you work with families, it’s probably good to be aware of this. Click here to read the full article.  

    8 Big Obstacles & Vital Questions About ADHD Medications for Children

    When parents first learn that their child has ADHD, they often have questions and concerns about ADHD medications. This is a good list of questions and answers that will help relieve some of their anxieties. Click here to read the full article. 

    Medical Assistance in Dying Boundaries Keep Expanding

    One of the problems when Medical Assistance in Dying is legalized is that its boundaries keep expanding. This latest proposal in Canada is that physicians be allowed to help children die without the permission of parents. Click here to read the full article. 

    The Science of Sleep

    Believe it or not, there are about 80 different kinds of sleep disorders. You will probably know some of this information already, but you’ll undoubtedly learn about some sleep disorders that you didn’t know existed. Incidentally, this magazine (Brain and Life) is free, and comes 6 times a year. It is also available in Spanish. Although its focus is neurology, I’ve found that every issue has one or more articles relevant to counseling, and it’s written so the layperson can easily understand it. Click here to read the full article. 

    Have a wonderful week or weekend!

    Henry Virkler

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