The Surprisingly Unsuspected Sign that a Woman is a Psychopath; Two Tested New Uses of CBT; Two articles on how to control impulsive behavior and rages in bipolar disorder; How to find love when you're an introvert; Questions about church discipline, and other counseling articles

  • Friday, September 13, 2024 3:24 PM
    Message # 13406518
    Dr. Henry Virkler (Administrator)

    Articles from the Week of September 13, 2024

    Explanation: Although I scan the Internet primarily for counseling articles, in the process I run across quotes and interesting facts that I sometimes include in these first two sections. If you’re just interested in the counseling articles, you can skip these first two sections and go directly to the section called Counseling Articles. HV

    Interesting Quotes

    If you think your boss is stupid, remember, you wouldn’t have a job if he was any smarter.

    John Gotti

    I work for myself, which is fun. Except when I call in sick, I know I'm lying.

    Rita Rudner, comedian

    The present is the only time in which any duty can be done or any grace received.

    C.S. Lewis

    They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.

    Andy Warhol

    You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face… You must do the thing you think you cannot do.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

    When someone tells me “no” it doesn't mean I can't do it, it simply means I can't do it with them.

    Karen E. Quinones Miller, historian, author, and activist

    There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.

    Martin Luther

    Happiness is not made by what we own. It is what we share.

    Jonathan Sacks, rabbi and philosopher

    Fascinating Facts

    “In the 1930s, a skyscraper was rotated 90 degrees while everyone kept working inside.

    “In 1929, the Indiana Bell Telephone Company purchased the Central Union Telephone Company, along with its eight-story headquarters in downtown Evansville, Indiana, as part of a plan to majorly expand its footprint in the area. First, it considered demolishing the Central Union Telephone building, which housed its administrative offices and telephone switchboards. But architect Kurt Vonnegut Sr. (yup, the father of author Kurt Vonnegut Jr.) had a different idea. Rather than raze the building and start from scratch, they could move it across the lot — 52 feet sideways, followed by a 90-degree turn — and expand from there. The plan didn’t just work; it was a resounding success. Not only did the eight-story, 11,000-ton building end up safely in its new location, but the offices remained fully operational during the monthlong moving process, with no disruptions to telephone service.

    “The move was an impressive feat of engineering. The building’s support columns were lifted from their cast-iron bases at the foundation, and each was put on a temporary steel support. (The elevator shaft was modified to keep the car from going into the now-nonexistent basement.) Eighteen manually operated jacks moved the supports along a series of rollers three-eighths of an inch at a time, and the building traveled roughly 15 inches per hour. Workers had to be careful to move all the columns at the same pace, so they’d follow the lead of the construction foreman, who would blow a whistle to signal that it was time to pull the levers. Engineers kept an eye on the building’s alignment with a plumb bob; if a roller started to shift out of position, they’d simply whack it with a sledgehammer.

    “When it was time for the 90-degree pivot, the crew had to lift the building briefly to adjust the rollers. Steam engines attached to cables helped power this final movement, rotating the structure into place. Ultimately, the building sat within one-sixteenth of an inch of its planned destination. During the move, the 600 employees entered and exited the building from the sidewalk via a moveable bridge. Reportedly, the workers inside the building didn’t even feel the movement. The project made way for a seven-story limestone art deco building, completed in 1932 and now on the National Register of Historic Places. The company continued to add to the campus, and the original building was demolished in 1963 to make room.” (Source:

    “Tomatoes were called “love apples” because they were believed to be aphrodisiacs.” (Source:

    Counseling Articles

    Georgia school shooting suspect Colt Gray’s broken homelife: A mom with multiple drug arrests and a dad who gave him an AR-15 for Christmas

    The sad story of the school shooting in a town north of Atlanta. The mother has a lengthy history of drug and domestic violence arrests. Reportedly, according to neighbors, she often locked her children out of the house and they would be beating on the doors to get in. Although Colt and his father were interviewed last year about supposed school threats he had posted online, he denied that he ever made threats, and his father recently purchased for him an AR-15. The father has now been charged with multiple second-degree murders and some other charges.

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    Why Didn’t God Clearly Explain Every Theological Issue?

    This question might occasionally come up if you counsel Christian clients, and I think this author’s distinction about “open-handed” and “closed-handed” theological doctrines, and how we should treat other Christians who believe differently about open-handed theological doctrines is a wise one. See if you agree.

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    The surprisingly unexpected sign that a woman is a psychopath: study

    This was a study conducted by the University of Sao Paulo on Brazilian women. It used three questionnaires to determine which women were most likely to have the traits of psychopaths. It found that those women were least likely to use makeup. Not sure the results should be applied to American women.

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    Promising Results with CBT App in Young Adults with Anxiety

    If you have a young adult who can’t afford therapy but has either generalized anxiety disorder or social anxiety, there is now a self-guided CBT app that has shown significant benefit at 3 weeks, 6 weeks and 12 weeks. It apparently is well-designed and most people who start it complete the sessions themselves.

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    The Benefits of Quitting Drinking

    For many years we were told that there were positive benefits to mild drinking. Now there is a plethora of research saying that consuming any amount of alcohol has deleterious effects. If you have a client who drinks mildly and needs motivation to stop entirely, this article provides several benefits that will come.

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    Bipolar Disorder: 10 Ways to Control Impulsive Behavior

    People with bipolar disorder are known to have greater problems with impulsive behavior even between bipolar episodes. This good article is by Tanya Hvilivitzky, by one of my favorite bloggers, who has bipolar disorder herself, gives 10 excellent suggestions for controlling impulsive behavior. Although written for people with bipolar disorder, I think these might be helpful for any client who struggles with impulsive decision-making.

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    Breaking the Bipolar Rage Cycle

    People with bipolar disorder sometimes have problems with something called bipolar rage, where angry episodes rage out of control and far out of proportion to the irritation that initiated them. Another blogger with bipolar disorder who is also a favorite is Julie Fast. Here she gives some tips for people who experience bipolar rage, and for their family members who are there when bipolar rage erupts.

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    To get emotional benefits from going to church, believers must attend regularly: study

    To get emotional benefits from going to church, its not enough to go on Christmas and Easter, or to just go occasionally. To get emotional benefits from going to church, the study found that people must regularly attend.

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    How To Find Love When You’re An Introvert

    Some of you have clients who are introverts and wonder if there is a way to meet potential partners with the personality they have. This article would probably make a profitable discussion with them.

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    James Earl Jones dies at 93: 'Star Wars' actor, devout Catholic called narrating the Bible his 'greatest honor'

    Probably most of us have enjoyed hearing the wondrous voice of James Earl Jones. He was a devout Catholic and said narrating the New Testament was the greatest honor of his life.

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    Woman says Grace Community Church wrongfully disciplined her over marital separation

    Scripture says there are times when the church should discipline church members (e.g., 1 Cor. 5:1-8) but in our litigious age, most churches refrain from doing so. John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church is one that still does so, but some would question some of the instances where they are disciplining members. The woman in this article claims that she was physically abused by her husband and when she went to the church pastors her complaints were not heard. Another woman was excommunicated for divorcing her husband, even though he was convicted of child molestation. Some careful Bible students believe that both physical abuse or sexual immorality is grounds for either divorce or separation. So while church discipline is a biblical concept, its important that it be carried out carefully with attention to all that Scripture teaches.

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    Do You Have A "Phone Pinky”?

    Probably not a counseling problem that will be brought to your office anytime soon, but phone pinky is “the  dent that forms in the middle of your smallest digit due to lofty screen times.” It apparently has become a problem common enough to garner significant attention on social media.

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    Taylor Swift's Cats Endorse Trump

    Tongue-in-cheek headline in the Babylon Bee.

    The Truth in Love about Transgenderism

    We as Christians are called to speak the truth in love in everything we say. This article focuses on how to do that with someone who believes they are transgender or has serious questions about that issue.

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    Christianity Tells a Better Story Than “Love Is Love”

    The popular phrase in our culture “love is love” seems to infer that all love is equally to be accepted and affirmed. But the author makes clear that every culture has put some boundaries on that statement, and so even though a person may feel some attraction to someone, there are boundaries (such as with children) that should be observed. You may not agree with everything in this article, but I think the author makes some points we should consider.

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    Thanks to Reddit, a New Diagnosis Is Bubbling Up Across the Nation

    This is not exactly a counseling problem, but counselors should probably be aware of this problem and the treatment that is being used to treat it. Most people produce some gas during the digestive process. Sometimes this is released through a burp, or through passing gas, but in certain people this gas can build up and become quite painful. A relatively new medical treatment is for a physician to introduce a large amount of Botox into the upper cricopharyngeal muscle. For more information, see the article.

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    Inpatient CBT Reduces Suicide and Readmissions After Discharge

    When people are hospitalized for psychiatric reasons, there is often a concern about suicide or the need for readmission following discharge. This study found that four sessions of CBT before discharge reduced suicidal thoughts and readmission for psychiatric patients in general but not for substance abuse patients. If you work with general patients who are discharged from a psychiatric hospital without such treatment the article provides enough detail that you could provide the treatment yourself on an outpatient basis.

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    Why a Good God Commanded the Israelites to Destroy the Canaanites

    This isn’t a counseling article, but a client or Christian or non-believing friend might occasionally bring this question up. Here’s a good, brief response to that question.

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    The Gospel Is the Solution to Suicide

    Here’s a question that does come up in counseling, and here’s a good answer to many of the reasons people can become suicidal. This article addresses many of the psychological reasons people become suicidal. It doesn’t address one of the medical reasons that people sometimes become suicidal—chronic, unremitting pain that is so severe that the individual does not believe they could continue to live with it. Fortunately, there are now so many medical treatments available that helping a person find a treatment can be a lifesaver. But this article together with brainstorming using your counseling training can be very good for helping a person find the answer to psychological factors that may be causing them to be suicidal.

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    High-Dose of ADHD Drugs Linked to Higher Risks of Psychosis and Mania: Harvard Study

    I’m afraid that this headline may be misused by some who oppose treating ADHD with medication. This study only found that people who use very high doses of amphetamine drugs were in danger of psychosis and mania. Many people who have ADHD may also have undiagnosed bipolar disorder, so taking high doses of amphetamines might trigger a bipolar episode. But taking doses of amphetamines as prescribed by ADHD doctors does not appear to produce either of these problems. And if a person is concerned, there are non-amphetamine treatments for ADHD.

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    Hope you have a wonderful week or weekend!

    Henry Virkler

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