Basic Issues in Christian Counseling by Dr. Henry Virkler In the following article I’d like to touch on three issues related to Christian counseling. The first clarifies some of the differences between those who call themselves biblical counselors and those who call themselves Christian counselors. The second is the question of whether a Christian who is living a life of faith and not involved in sin should ever need counseling. The third is an examination of some of the reasons that Christians seek counseling. Basic_Issues_in_Christian_Counseling.pdf |
Broken World Christians by Dr. Henry Virkler Gordon MacDonald describes "broken-world persons" as those who are suffering from self-inflicted wounds--what have been variously called mistakes, errors, bad judgments, misbehavior, or sin. In his book Rebuilding Your Broken World he develops a proposed method for counseling such persons. The following article presents a summary and analysis of his method. |
The Simple Scoop on Boundaries by Henry Cloud, Ph.D. |
Allaying Fears About the Unpardonable Sin by Dr. Henry Virkler
Demonic Influence, Sin and Psychopathology by Dr. Henry Virkler
Divorce, Remarriage and the Christian Counselor by Dr. Henry Virkler
Outline of Talk on Healing and Forgiveness by Henry Virkler
Understanding Depression by Dr. Henry Virkler
Addicted-to-Video-Game by Mark Gregstons
Adjust-Your-Parenting-Style by Mark Gregston
Adoption-Issues-to-Be-Aware-Of by Mark Gregston
Are-You-Teaching-a-Child-Or-Training-a-Teen by Mark Gregston
Coach-or-Bodyguard by Mark Gregston
Confronting Inappropriate Teen Relationships by Mark Gregston
Confronting Your Teens Mistakesby Mark Gregston
Pitfalls of Adoption by Mark Gregston
Possibly the Greatest Teen Parenting Mistake by Mark Gregston
Teaching Maturity by Mark Gregston
Teen Girls in a Culture of Seduction by Mark Gregston
Teens and Self-Control by Mark Gregston
The Adopted Teens Quest for Identity by Mark Gregston